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Author: nbs007 (page 2 of 148)




  1. 安心发展品牌,事半功倍
  2. 若在国外被抢注,本国的注册可以成为最好的证明
  3. 品牌成熟后随时可以入驻大平台

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🚨Stay away from Descriptive Phrases!

When creating a trademark, it is generally a good idea to stay away from common words or phrases that are used widely in the industry or are descriptive of the products or services you offer.

Here are some tips to avoid common words and increase the distinctiveness of your trademark:

  1. Invent a unique word: Consider creating a completely new word that has no existing meaning or association with your industry. Examples include Google, Kodak, and Xerox.
  2. Combine words: Combine two or more words to create a new term that is unique to your brand. This can help you create a distinctive mark. For instance, Microsoft combines “microcomputer” and “software.”
  3. Use acronyms or abbreviations: Create a trademark using the initials or abbreviations of your brand or a meaningful phrase associated with your business. Examples include IBM (International Business Machines) and UPS (United Parcel Service).
  4. Arbitrary terms: Use words that have no direct connection to your products or services but are memorable and distinct. For instance, Apple for computers or Amazon for an online marketplace.

Not sure how to

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陪我们长大的Julie‘s饼干🍪 时隔35年,在2020年升级了品牌Logo 改变了小女孩的呈现和品牌字体<br

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⚠️Trademark Infringement in Influencer Marketing

Social media has brought new means for trademark infringement, especially in the context of influencer marketing.

As an influencer, it’s important to be aware of trademark infringement and how it can impact your brand partnerships. Trademark infringement occurs when someone uses a trademarked

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Good Logo Design

☑️Designing a great logo is not just about looks; it is also about registrability as a trademark.
Are you currently in the process of designing a logo for your business?

Please keep in mind that a good logo should not only be visually appealing, but it should also be legally protected. This requires

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