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Author: ADMIN-mira2023 (page 3 of 3)

Attention business owners!!

📢 Big News Alert: SST (Sales and Service Tax) is set to rise from 6% to 8% next year! 😱

Don’t wait until prices increase—secure your trademark protection NOW before our trademark registration service prices go up! Plus, benefit from our year-end promotion! Our trademark registration

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你是不是认为只有大公司才需要注册商标呢? 🤨

如果是这样, 那就大错特错了!❌

就算是初创公司, 也不能忽视商标注册®的重要性, 尤其在这个谁都能做生意的时代, 每一个品牌更要得到保护✅, 才能在激烈的市场竞争中保护自己。


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