If you do not protect your intellectual property well, there is a risk that you will lose your only competitive advantage to “copycats” and intellectual property theft. ✅Although both of them offer intellectual property protection, but they protect different types of assets. ⭕Trademarks
Month: September 2021 (page 2 of 3)
In 2020, China led the ranking with a total of 68,720 international (PCT) patent applications filed in that year. The leading ten countries accounted for almost 89% of all applications filed in 2020. Followed by the United States of America (59,230 PCT applications filed), and Japan (50,520 PCT applications
It is good to create unique and inventive marks, as well as avoid generic and descriptive terms to acquire strong trademarks. The stronger your trademark is, the easier you can prevent others from using it without your permission. Weak trademarks are descriptive or generic and these trademarks can
Many sports personalities are able to generate significant earnings both from leveraging their own brand as elite athletes and from sponsorship deals with various brand owners. Not only their own name but they can also trademark their nicknames, poses, slogans, signatures, or other insignia for which
Host cities of the Olympic games usually register trademarks when they apply as a candidate to host the Games – and Tokyo 2020 is no different. Trademark protection for the Tokyo 2020 logo allows the Japanese Olympic Committee to commercialise the Tokyo Games and prevent knock-off goods or services