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Month: April 2020 (page 1 of 13)

🕵 Spot anything wrong ?

😮 If you haven’t realised, the actual brand name is Charles & Keith.
Cherlss & Keich brand is owned by a Chinese company, Guangzhou Yuantai Leather.So far, no legal action had been taken by Charles & Keith on the apparent infringer.

ℹ️ You can check on their respective webpages

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📑 On June 19, 2017, the Fujian People’s Higher Court issued an injunction ordering Tinfeilong Sporting Goods, the Chinese sports manufacturer behind “Uncle Martian” to stop using the infringed trademark and to pay RMB 2 million in damages to Under Armour. Under Armour in their claims had

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🤔 Do you know Apple lost their lawsuit against a Chinese company for the use of the word iPhone?

⚖️ A Chinese company, Xingtong Tiandi had registered and used the trademark iPhone on handbags, phone cases and other leather products. Apple sued the company and lost their case. Reason being that Apple had failed to prove that they are a well-known brand in China before Xintong Tiandi filed

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📰 Recently, the Toyko-based company, Ryohin Keikaku Co., Ltd. that runs Muji lost trademark battle against a Chinese company, Beijing Cottonfield Textile in China. Muji thus, cannot register or use it four-letter Chinese characters for its woven fabric products in China due to the fact that a Chinese

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What is worry?

#Worry is what happens when your mind dwells on negative thoughts, uncertain outcomes or things that could go wrong.
How does worry work?

Worry actually has an important function in our lives, according to Luana Marques, an associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and the president

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