Registering a business name does not give you proprietary rights for the use of the trading name. If you register a business, company or domain name, you do not automatically have the right to use that name as a trade mark. You should know the difference between trade marks, business and domain names
Date: January 20, 2020 (page 1 of 2)
【What is an industrial design? 】
In a legal sense, an industrial design constitutes the ornamental or aesthetic aspect of an article. An industrial design may consist of three dimensional features, such as the shape of an article, or two dimensional features
If you don’t protect your industrial design(s) then it follows that you may not enjoy exclusive rights to them. Consequently, your competitors may take a product to market, incorporating your industrial design, without getting your permission.
So if a competitor or anyone else makes, sells or imports
Your IP rights are important because they can:
• set your business apart from competitors
• be sold or licensed, providing an important revenue stream
• offer customers something new and different
• form an essential part of your marketing or branding
• be used as security for loans
• protect it against infringement by others and ultimately defend in the courts your sole right to use, make, sell or import it • stop others using, making, selling or importing it without your permission • earn royalties by licensing it • exploit it through strategic alliances<br