🦷 Toothbrush
✒️ A product we use it every day–the toothbrush. Looking modern, it was actually invented in China back in 1498. The original version was much different than what we use today – made from coarse hairs from a hog’s neck and a handle made of bone or bamboo. Used until 1938, Dupont de Nemours then introduced nylon bristles and named it “Doctor West’s Miracle Toothbrush.” The first American to this product was H.N. Wadsworth in 1857, but it wasn’t until after soldiers came back from World War II that people started embracing the nylon brush. They saw the soldiers had an increased interest in good hygiene and that caught on to the American people.
ℹ️ Source: https://ip.com/blog/theres-a-patent-for-that/
©️ Image URL: https://wdsashland.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Tooth-Brush.jpg
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